

Frequently asked questions

Have a question or comment? Drop a line on the contact page.

Please get in touch from the contact page, and I will be happy to receive your mail, sign
any books of mine you have, and send it back. Or you can order one from me and I will
send directly to you if you provide your home address.

Most of my life. Thanks to my uncle’s mentorship, that dream has been ingrained since I was in the 4th grade.

Many of the ideas, plot lines, character arcs and unique cryptids were born through
many years of Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. I tried to memorialize these in the books while altering some campaigns to make for a better plot. But characters like Ritter and Graytorris are from game play.

Yes, I’ve always known how I wanted to end things. I write the endings first of each of
my novels, then the beginning, slowly filling in the middle to ensure all details are
included. I like to say there’s no wasted real estate in my novels so if you think a minor
detail is important, it usually is.

I have a strong affinity for Sir Ritter of Valkeneer. He was the character I first created
who “lived” in the fictitious realm of Warminster for game play, so I chronicled his
journey through my many games of Dungeons & Dragons over the years, knowing one day he’d be a main character in the series.

The toughest book to write was The Last Keeper as that was my first, and I still had a lot to learn. The toughest scene was the final scene in Echoes of Ghostwood. Like many epic fantasy stories, it is taxing, emotional and as an author I wanted to write the best ending possible. I hope readers will agree once they read it.

Tolkien, Stoker, R.A. Salvatore, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.

From beginning to end, through all the edits and rewrites, one book may take me four
to six months.

I’ve been writing for most of my life, but it was the silver lining of the pandemic in 2020
that allowed me the time to finish my book and send it off for publication. I had The Last Keeper in digital stores in December 2021.

There are a few ways. The route I took is approaching a publisher without an agent.
Some publishers take on authors this way, but many require the author to have an
agent. Or, if the “indie” route is appealing, the author can use Amazon’s KDP platform,
but they will be responsible for everything.

Yes, there are three stand alone novels coming in 2025, giving a peek behind the curtain to the origin stories of Sir Ritter (Trollborn), Princess Addilyn (Vermilion) and Incanus Dru’Waith (The Black Rose). In 2026, a trilogy for the 2nd Warminster Saga (to be named later) will drop, coinciding with the launch of the video game and graphic novel series.

I use writing prompts like music or speak with my beta readers and get the creative
juices flowing. When in doubt, ask for help.

Just do it. Find the scene that sticks out the most or the character that comes to you
fully formed and go from there. Setting aside a set amount of time—even an hour a
day—is extremely important.

Congratulations! I am always looking to interview creatives, whether they are authors,
artists, cosplayers, or others. Please email me from the contact page.

Many names are derived from game play as I mentioned before, but some characters
“speak” their names to me. They have to “sound” the part and I hope fans agree.

All fan art is appreciated and loved. it is humbling to receive fan art or fan fiction about
characters, scenes and magical weapons like Silencer. If you have your own piece of
fanart you want me to review, send it to me from the contact page and I will be sure to
feature it on the website!


Fan Art

user submitted art